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Recap the past few moments in 1-click

Turn great bits of conversations into notes, instantly.

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Recap recaptures great moments in conversation

Capture 2-15 minutes with Recap and access your captures on the Web. Never again miss a hot take, an aha! or a beat.

Recap is a chief of staff that listens in to your meetings and conversations (on Zoom, Meet, Teams, Slack Huddles and Legacy Calls)

Focus more in meetings and produce clear takeaways

Recap helps you focus on talking rather than taking notes. When you hear something important, you can grab ahold of the parts you want in 1-click.

Effortlessly recapture whatever points, thoughts and ideas you hear. Talk naturally and pull out snippets... Recap helps you create actionable next steps. Refer back to that part of your conversation using your Recaps hosted on the Web.

Never again miss something great

The fast and simple recapture tool: whatever you hear is now within your grasp. Recap buffers the last few minutes of audio privately and securely on your own device. Grab ahold of a thoughtful point or a fresh idea.

You're just 1-click away from having a Recap

Make your audio tangible: Be your naturally brilliant self in every conversation. Recap makes recapturing audio easy. Decide what's worth keeping in real-time -- recapture what you say, or what others have said. Capture a highlight. Produce quick follow ups. Create actionable next steps.

Basic usage is FREE forever

All your captures are accessed in your Recap Account on the Web. The first 25,000 words you capture are hosted free, forever. Once you exceed 25,000 words, we'll ask you to upgrade to a Recap+ Account for just $2 per month.

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Concierge Onboarding
FREE Download
FREE Account with 25k words
DIY Installation
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Purchase a 30-minute onboarding session that includes 3-months of Recap+
Free to download and install yourself
Start with setting up your Recap account
Ensure your app gets properly installed, plus get 3-months Recap+
Download Recap for FREE, no credit card needed
Your Recap Account is FREE. Buffer across all your conversations. Recap hundreds of great moments.
One-time purchase of a co-founder's time that guarantees you get Recap setup correctly
DIY install
Sign Up online at
30-minute onboarding session, guaranteed setup, plus 3-months of Recap+
Buffer up to 15-minutes on your device
Recap+ extends your on-device buffered audio: make use of the 15-minutes highlighting window and 20x more storage to handle 1,000+ Captures with Recap+

Check out all that is included in a Recap+ Account, perfect for professionals that talk with clients and partners.